This blog is the result of almost 50 years of careful preparation, so tread softly and all that. It would not have been possible to write any of it without the help of the following:
- My grandfather, who wrote the letter that provided the content for my first post.
- The photo albums, scrap books and stories of my family and especially my mother.
- The organisational skills of my sister who turned all that into a veritable archive.
- The stories of my brother, a closet school teacher, who inspired me to start writing in the first place.
- Other blogs and sites on the interwebs that provide ideas, raw material and just reading pleasure.
- WordPress, the ubiquitous blogging framework that powers the pages you are now reading.
- My iPhone, that I use to compose and research (believe it or not) all of my posts before I upload them to WordPress, as well as taking accompanying pictures and what not.
- PlainText by Hog Bay Software, the text editor app I use to write every post.
- Dublin Bus, who provide me with the time and space to tap away while I travel to and from the office, notably on the 11, 77 and 75 routes.
- Google, and Wikipedia among many others.
- The encouragement from friends and family who actually read this stuff.
- You. Thanks for reading!